Archiv für den Tag Juni 19, 2005

Technologies of Cooperation by Howard Rheingold

Original size: Howard’s Technologies of Cooperation Map

From The Feature

Just as the digital computer can be any machine you can program it to be and the Internet turns every desktop into a printing press, broadcasting station, community or market, the mobile Internet’s unique capability is the power it gives people and machines to organize collective action.

Together with my colleagues Andrea Saveri and Kathi Vian, I’ve put together a report (PDF) and visual map of technologies of cooperation for publication by our sponsor, the Institute for the Future. Taken together with Mobile and Open: A Manifesto, this report and accompanying graphic map are offered as resources to the developers, designers, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, operators, service providers and activists who seek to use these new tools to alleviate suffering, create wealth, educate, liberate, create and inform.

Via Alex